Under the leadership of Sankar Ghosh, chief whip of the state Assembly, BJP councillors and other prominent leaders, including Shikha Chatterjee, MLA from Dabgram-Fulbari, staged a protest in front of the Siliguri Municipal Corporation. The protestors demanded the resignation of mayor Goutam Deb, accusing him of failing to deliver essential services to the residents of Siliguri.
Raising slogans and holding placards, the BJP leaders alleged that the civic administration under the mayor’s leadership has been ineffective in addressing issues such as water supply, sanitation, and waste management. Shikha Chatterjee stated, “The people of Siliguri have been let down by the mayor’s inability to meet basic civic needs. It is time for him to step down.”
The protest drew attention to long-standing grievances of the citizens, with BJP leaders vowing to escalate their agitation if immediate action is not taken to address these issues.